v0.20 Alpha

v0.20 Alpha was released December 6th, 2023

Added !patreon command to get a link to DoodleChaos' Patreon.
Changed Toll moved to tile release pipes. Every usage of the pipe will charge the toll rate set by king.
Made color coding more obvious to new players. Red = marble gets destroyed and subtract points.
Lots of UI decluttering to make the game less overwhelming to new players.
Changed CL logo on queue pipe to Ticket logo to make it more obvious what it does.
Spotify Song name now only appears when song changes and fades away slowly.
Hole in One: Buffed point distribution.
Danger Zone: You can now just ping the user instead of using !pull.
Quip Battle: Minimum points earned on a vote is now 1 instead of 0.
Fixed Tile background color no longer flashes from darker to brighter color when the tile locks into place after spin.
Oscillators no longer jerk/teleport into position when a tile initializes.
Bug causing speech bubbles to ghost appear and not fade out properly.
Text is properly sanitized again to avoid rich-text injection.
Bug caused by improper unloading of player after holding the throne.
Typo in !givepoints error message.
Danger Zone: Arrow going off-screen.
Removed !toll instructions text.
Danger Zone: !pull command. Mentions are enough now to target a user.