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- Possible Changelogs of versions between v0.3 Alpha and v0.6 Alpha
This page lists the recent updates for the past iterations of the Chaos League Game.
CL 3¶
v0.36 Alpha
was released February 18th, 2024
Added | Spider Rush: Death ball to timeout Spider Rush after 2 minutes. |
Changed | Chaos League is now Open Source! |
Royal Execution: Reduces ejection speed of pipe. | |
Fixed | Spider Rush: Glitch where bucket wasn't properly reset and incorrectly killed players while still positive. |
Removed | Intense Camera move when throne captured. |
v0.35 Alpha
was released February 11th, 2024.
Added | Minigame tile Spider Rush. |
Camera move for emphasis on throne capture. | |
Changed | Royal Execution: Tomatoes can now be used to "ninja jump". |
Raffle slot indicators now only turn yellow when overflowing, not when full. | |
Minus infinity buckets now correctly send only half the points lost to the king. | |
Players with 0 points are no longer affected by tomato knockback. | |
Fixed | Quip Battle: Podium not showing points earned during game. |
Royal Execution: Player points can now be seen (3rd time is the charm). |
v0.34 Alpha
was released February 9th, 2024
Changed | Podium updated. It now shows points earned and "Invited by" text was removed. |
Recruited players now give you 25% gold they earned instead of points. This does not include gold earned from a player using !givegold .
Prize display is now a gift box model. | |
Tomatoes now have a impact and kickback force on the targeted player. Strength percentage is conservation of momentum based on tomato points relative to thrower's and target's points. | |
Nerf: Only half the points a player looses are send to the king. | |
!givegold disabled to combat Alt account abuse (A different value exchange mechanic may come back in the future).
Flow speed of lava decreased. | |
Decreased drag on player when overlapping with water particles. | |
Royal Execution: Player points show above the platform (For real this time). | |
Invited players that remain inactive for more than an hour can be invited again. | |
Fixed | Volume sliders in the Settings UI being partially unclickable due to raycasting overlap. |
"Washed out" colors on ticket sprites. |
v0.33 Alpha
was released February 7th, 2024.
Added | Minigame tile Combo Breaker. |
PREFAB: Mechanical Button | |
PREFAB: Mechanical Pivot Arm | |
PREFAB: Signal Wire | |
!points added as an alternative for !stats .
Clean Pyramid Scheme button to UI. Connections are no longer erased on game startup. | |
Changed | Raffle slots now light up to indicate how many are filled. |
Zobm Says: Added Warning sign. | |
Zobm Says: Changed "survival reward" to "Reward/Punishment". | |
Royal Execution: Moved platform back on z-layer to no longer obstruct player points. | |
Large numbers are now comma-separated in !stats .
Player Database now backs up every 15 minutes (configurable). | |
Database can now be accessed while stream is live. | |
Created separate build configurations for public, private and staging builds. | |
Royal Execution: Simplified wording. | |
Fixed | Floating point Bug causing spinning objects to drift position over long time periods. |
No changes.
v0.31 Alpha
was released January 14th, 2024
Added | !flipcoin command.
Quip Battle: Additional prompts from Discord. | |
Changed | Spinning pegs now spin in alternate directions for more even RNG. |
Gold ores nerfed. Max value now can't go beyond 256 | |
Fixed | Small visual glitch with logo clipping on crown. |
Catching error that was thrown due to peculiar invite link usage in previous stream. | |
Stonks: Bug causing axis of spinning pegs to drift after long streams. |
v0.30 Alpha
was released January 10th, 2024
Added | Gold ore block. Gives the player attacking gold when broken. |
Chicken Out: Sign added to indicate the danger of losing all points. | |
Ability to restart HTTP Server in case invite messages stop mid stream. | |
Changed | Chicken Out: Clarified how to exit the tile safely. |
Chicken Out: Max risk level is now displayed to show how high it can get. | |
Fixed | Chaos Plinko: Bug causing pegs to be reset to 5 points. |
Invite messages not working. |
v0.100 Alpha
was released January 9th, 2024
Added | Minigame tile Chicken Out. |
Shop tile Crown Shop. | |
Changed | Moved z plane of gold coins towards the camera so they aren't obscured by the tiles and bricks. |
Rebellion now doesn't end until after a new tile spins with "0 tiles remain". | |
Fixed | Error popup from invalid invite links being clicked. |
Removed | King timer barrier. |
v0.28 Alpha
was released January 7th, 2024.
Added | !unbid as an alternative to !cancelbid .
Changed | Gold now fills up based on a selected tile's rarity and is released every 5 minutes to the current King. |
Zobm says: Timer increased. | |
Zobm says: Points are now removed from eliminated players and points taken/given will double after every elimination. | |
Rebellions now last a certain number of tiles instead of a certain timer. Value is 1 tile per 100 bits. | |
Wording for prediction changed to "Will a legendary appear WITHIN 30 minutes". |
v0.27 Alpha
was released December 20th, 2023
Added | Prediction: Will the king say "zobm" within 15 minutes? |
Prediction: Will a legendary appear in 30 minutes? | |
Prediction: Will a new rebellion start within 30 minutes? | |
Prediction: Will a lava bucket pour within 30 minutes? | |
Prediction: Will a water bucket pour within 15 minutes? | |
Quip Battle: 29 new Prompts, courtesy of MailDropFolder. | |
Changed | Zobm Says: King now has 20 seconds to chose a player to eliminate. If none is chosen will a random player be eliminated. |
Numbers show 3 digits again under marbles. | |
Fixed | Chaos Plinko: Bug causing 1 peg to remain from previous round. |
Removed | Old Prediction system. |
Songs from playlist that caused copyright claims in previous stream. |
v0.26 Alpha
was released December 17th, 2023
Added | Minigame tile Zobm Says. The king controls the game and chooses the order to eliminate players by pinging their @username .
Ability as admin to activate bits and rebellions should a bug cause a stream restart. | |
!discord to get a link to the Discord server.
Admin command to force-end a tile. | |
Backup timer that automatically ends gameplay on a tile if it gets stuck and lasts longer than 4 minutes. | |
Stonks emote. | |
Changed | Most RNG-based tiles have a player requirement of 0, allowing to skip them if nobody bids on them. |
Zero or Hero: Max players changed to 16 and game no longer waits for all players to arrive. | |
Gifting multiple subs at once now aggregates the thank you TTS into a single message, instead of announcing each gift separately. | |
Forked Frenzy: Tile now waits for all players to be eliminated before changing to podium. | |
Zero or Hero: Enabled Sudden death. | |
Quip Battle: Emotes are no longer spoken by the TTS. | |
Restored points to players who lst points due to the lavagate 2.0 bug. | |
Fixed | Bug causing a hard lock when a player dies on the conveyor belt. |
Bug causing #lavagate 2.0 that ended megastream. | |
Hard lock in Chaos Plinko caused by lavagate 2.0. | |
Removed | White fuzziness around username text to make them more crisp. |
Songs from playlist causing copyright claims on Twitch stream. |
v0.25 Alpha
was released December 14th, 2023
Added | Dark highlight behind username to aid in readability. |
Gold gaining SFX | |
Changed | Player marbles now sink into water to aid in attacking. |
Zero or Hero: Skull textures changed to infinity symbols. | |
Opacity of speech bubble background increased. | |
Travel indicator for gold changed from a number to individual coins. | |
Fixed | Raffle bug causing players from raffle to not appear on podium. |
Z depth of render layer for fluids. They now appear behind the player and popups. | |
Bug causing death ball to disappear incorrectly in rare circumstances. | |
Typo in old !givepoints command: depreciated -> deprecated
v0.24 Alpha
was released December 13th, 2023
Added | Sudden death doubler modularized. |
Ability for death balls to travel throuhgh pipes. | |
How Low Can You Go: Sudden death doubler. | |
Ouroboros: Sudden death doubler. | |
Bounce House: Sudden death doubler. | |
Stonks: Sudden death doubler. | |
Ability to collect data on tile average duration and average points earned per player. | |
Removed |
v0.23 Alpha
was released December 12th, 2023
Added | Trim colors to tiles based on rarity. |
Changed | Increased spawn rate of rare and epic tiles by ~5%. |
Updated Spotify playlist with latest monstercat songs. | |
Background color for common type tile. | |
Throne trim color now changes to username color of throne holder. | |
Song name no longer fades out completely. | |
Fixed | Bug causing text to flash on shop screen for one frame on shop tiles if nobody enters. |
Bug causing song name to flash if changed multiple times too quickly. | |
Bug causing death ball to not respawn in correct place after Chaos Plinko tile recycles | |
Error caused by creating invite links for username that doesn't exist in game. | |
Bug causing Chaos Plinko pegs to not immediately reset from previous rounds. |
v0.22 Alpha
was released December 11th, 2023
Added | Minigame tile Chaos Plinko |
Sudden Death mechanic. WIP. | |
Changed | Certain tiles can now have multiple rarities, each with their own effects. |
Tiles now have a base-prize to win based on rarity. Bid ammount is still added to it. | |
Quip Battle: Can now appear at any rarity. | |
Quip Battle: Vote values now scale with rarity and rebellion multipliers. | |
Danger Zone: Can now appear at any rarity. | |
Danger Zone: Round survival bonuses now scale with rarity and rebellion multipliers. | |
Danger Zone: Round survival bonus doubles each round. | |
Other tiles that can now appear at all rarities: Bounce House, Forked Frenzy, How Low Can You Go, Ouroboros, Stonks and Zero or Hero. | |
Buffed How Low Can You Go | |
Buffed Zero or Hero | |
Buffed Ouroboros |
v0.21 Alpha
was released December 7th, 2023
Changed | Raffle selection now happens imediatally after countdown ends. |
Rebellion duration increased to 1 minute per 100 bits. | |
Countdown now stops and restart when player count in queue becomes inadequate due to !cancelbid command.
Fixed | Bug allowing less players than allowed to enter a tile. |
Black hole physics bug caused by divide-by-zero error due to less than required players entering tile due to !cancelbid command.
v0.20 Alpha
was released December 6th, 2023
Added | !patreon command to get a link to DoodleChaos' Patreon.
Changed | Toll moved to tile release pipes. Every usage of the pipe will charge the toll rate set by king. |
Made color coding more obvious to new players. Red = marble gets destroyed and subtract points. | |
Lots of UI decluttering to make the game less overwhelming to new players. | |
Changed CL logo on queue pipe to Ticket logo to make it more obvious what it does. | |
Spotify Song name now only appears when song changes and fades away slowly. | |
Hole in One: Buffed point distribution. | |
Danger Zone: You can now just ping the user instead of using !pull .
Quip Battle: Minimum points earned on a vote is now 1 instead of 0. | |
Fixed | Tile background color no longer flashes from darker to brighter color when the tile locks into place after spin. |
Oscillators no longer jerk/teleport into position when a tile initializes. | |
Bug causing speech bubbles to ghost appear and not fade out properly. | |
Text is properly sanitized again to avoid rich-text injection. | |
Bug caused by improper unloading of player after holding the throne. | |
Typo in !givepoints error message.
Danger Zone: Arrow going off-screen. | |
Removed | !toll instructions text.
Danger Zone: !pull command. Mentions are enough now to target a user.
v0.19 Alpha
was released December 5th, 2023
Added | Minigame tile Bubble Color Shop. |
Minigame tile Text Color Shop. | |
Changed | !lava and !water now work no matter where in the message you add the bits.
Stats command now works with both !stats and !mystats .
Emotes are no longer spoken by throne holder TTS. | |
Ouroboros: Increased death rate. | |
Ouroboros: Nerfed point earnings. | |
Danger Zone: You can target with the !pull at any time now, not just while the game is in "Collecting commands" mode.
Redesigned player unloading system. Now cancels unload if new player activity is detected in the same frame. | |
Fixed | Recruit links not working. |
!givegold bug due to player unloading.
"Bad Gateway" error in Spotify API caused by trying to check the song too close to the API refresh time. |
v0.18 Alpha
was released December 4th, 2023
Added | Minigame tile Ouroboros. |
Emote LavaAddict in tribute to RedDiamondREC. Depicts volcano exploding red diamonds.
Wintergatan music added to safe playlist. | |
Changed | Rebellion duration buffed to 40 sec/dollar |
!cancelbid command now works at any time, even while in a game tile.
Refactored and stabilized inactivity despawn system, which caused full game freezes in v0.17 Alpha stream. | |
Fixed | Lava particles touching players get destroyed again. |
Race condition for inactivity despawn by moving the check to late update. |
v0.100 Alpha
was released December 2nd, 2023
Added | Schedule on Twitch page. |
Changed | [[How Low Can You Go]] Nerfed survival rate. |
Long usernames on marbles are now truncated to avoid them from getting too small. | |
!givepoints limit increased to 15k.
Danger Zone: Surviving a round now equals 1 instead of zero. | |
Commands requiring a username and number input can now be written in either order. | |
Refactored/Improved stability of twitch API refresh. | |
!stats on non-existant user now gives proper error response message.
Fixed | Invite bonus bug caused by recruiting players that don't already exist in the database. |
Emote speech bubble loading bug. | |
Annoying Spotify refresh token red error popup. |
v0.16 Alpha
was released December 1st, 2023
Added | Minigame tile Forked Frenzy |
Changed | Royal Execution: Spikes now display how many points they take. |
Prize text now oscilates up and down to avoid obscuring the title behind it. | |
Point gaps Code refactor. | |
Color on gaps and blocks indicate now if the value will increase over time. | |
How Low Can You Go: (Experimental) Gaps now increase in value every time a player passes through. | |
Royal Execution: Buffed point earnings for surviving a round. | |
Font size of text displaying points under a player marble increased and changed from 3 to 2 digit precision. | |
Error Handling for Spotify API connections improved. | |
Improved httpserver stability. | |
Adjusted traveling indicator card sprite position. | |
Fixed | Bug with path splitters (forking pipes) sending players oposite the direction they point for the first time. |
Golden tile interactions with rebellion multipliers (additive). | |
Bug causing rebellion multiplier to not affect marbles demoted to raffle slots. | |
Bug in number abreviation causing number close to a million to round to 100k instead of 1.00M. | |
More typos in Quip Battles. | |
Player marbles can no longer clip the lava and die while in the bidding queue. | |
Player marbles that are animated across the screen when the bidding queue moves can no longer be killed by lava. |
v0.15 Alpha
was released November 28th, 2023
Added | Rebellions. Starts a rebellion when a user bits cheers of at least 200 bits. |
Sound for when a rebellion starts. | |
Changed | Names are now truncated in leaderboards to prevent them from getting too small. |
!buy command is more forgiving now, accepting a space after !buy and before the number.
Marble outline now changes color while you're in the rebellion area. | |
"Redeem tickets or bits to spawn in" text on attack area changed to "Redeem tickets to spawn in" | |
Fixed | Quip Battle: Typos in prompts. |
v0.14 Alpha
was released November 27th, 2023
Added | Quip Battle: Double the prompts options. Credits to Maildropfolder for their contributions. |
Added "Coming Soon" sign in former location of Lava and Water Bucket for the upcoming rebellions mechanic. | |
Changed | New player bonus bid increased from 300 to 1000 spawn tickets. |
Commands listed on "About" Panel on Twitch page updated. | |
Lava and Water Bucket moved right next to the King Avatar. This makes place for the planned rebellions feature. | |
Danger Zone: Round number resets now after it rolls up again. | |
Fixed | Bug causing bidding to freeze after nobody entered the shop tile. |
Royal Execution: Bug causing commands from king to not be registered. | |
Bug where oscillators (like the ones on Bounce House) were moving out of position after tile spinning. | |
Bug causing successful invite announcement to not pop up. |
v0.13 Alpha
was released November 26th, 2023
Added | Golden tiles. They have a 1% chance to appear and apply a x10 multiplier (25% discount for Shop tiles). This includes bid tickets. |
Button on UI to save player data to database, rather than waiting for cache to unload it. | |
Custom twitch emotes added to stream channel. | |
Changed | King can complete purchases in shop tiles now without leaving the throne. |
Win prize is now the sum of all bids made, including raffle. | |
Danger Zone: Additional points are rewarded for every round a player survives. | |
Quip Battle: Each vote is now worth 1/10th of the total win prize of the tile. | |
Text size increased on point buckets. | |
Players who already started participating in the game can no longer be recruited. Only players who haven't joined the current game or have been inactive for a while may work. | |
Removed transparency on ticket particles in an effort to reduce bitrate drops on twitch. | |
Fixed | Bug causing points to not save properly when application shut down with players still spawned in. |
Prize not resetting after tile change. | |
Bug causing non-global emotes to not load in speech bubbles. | |
Blocking lag spike caused by downloading non-global emotes. Only new emotes used by broadcaster are downloaded now. | |
Bug causing PFPs to temporarily not load correctly after API refresh 4 hours into stream. |
v0.12 Alpha
was released November 21st, 2023
Added | Minigame tile Trail Shop: Allows spending gold on trail colors. Said colors will be random each time the tile appears. |
!givegold command to give a player some of your gold.
!cancelbid command to cancel your current bid tickets or bits and leave queue. Won't refund the tickets/bits you spent back to you.
!wiki command sharing a link to this very wiki you are reading.
Total numbers of tickets spent to !stats command output.
Changed | Auction discs no longer turn gray when a player moves to their bidding position. |
Quip Battle: Messages starting with ! are no longer read by the TTS system.
Reduced physics timestep by 50%. Physics accuracy increased x2 (Should match Gen 2 physics now). | |
Fixed | Lava getting stuck on invisible blocks in default defense. |
Bug caused by longer usernames causing the twitch prediction API call to error. |
v0.11 Alpha
was released November 19th, 2023
Added | Quip Battle: New Prompts |
Fixed | Quip Battle: TTS voices not being high-pitched. |
Bug causing speech bubbles to flash incorrect size one frame before growing in. |
v0.10 Alpha
was released November 17th, 2023
Added | Ticket option to fill Water and Lava Bucket with. Purchasing it fills them completely. |
Announcement for Lava and Water Bucket activation. | |
SFX for lava and water bit contributions. | |
Button to reconnect API in Settings UI. | |
Button to refresh API token in Settings UI. | |
Quip Battle: Error Handling and Timeout to not get stuck if reading the poll from API fails. | |
Bot feedback for when a player uses the !lava or !water command without any bits.
Zero or Hero: Sign at the bottom to further hint that you can lose all your points. | |
Changed | Lava price reduced to 750 Bits |
Bot now replies with "You must hold the throne to use that command" when using the !left or !right command while not holding the throne.
Speed of the !givepoints traveling indicator was slowed down.
Fixed | Bug causing the Lava and Water Bucket display to sometimes overlap with the raffle box. |
Spike crusher moving through the podium | |
Bug causing !givepoints to popup subtraction text twice.
Bug showing recruitment Profile picture icon in front of the throne holder. | |
Bug causing recruitment Profile picture icon to not load properly if the player is spawned in while recruited. |
v0.9 Alpha
was released November 15th, 2023
Added | Minigame tile Zero or Hero |
Lava release Bucket. Used with !lava [bits] to fill a progress bar. Once full releases a bucket of lava. Players killed by it lose half their points.
Water release Bucket. Used with !water [bits] to fill a progress bar. Once full releases a bucket of water extinguishing lava it touches.
Animation to king tile fluid buckets to rotate opposite from bidding queue. | |
Changed | Bounce House: Gap increases own value by 5 every time a player passes through. |
Bounce House: Spinning block is now 1 point and increases by 1 every time a player hits it. | |
Royal Execution: Time is now 30 seconds. | |
Multiple TTS messages are now possible at once. Announcements are still queued. | |
Fixed | Twitch Access API Token refresh bug causing connection to duplicate after 4 hours refresh. |
Bug causing points displayed on player in podium to not match the player's actual points. |
v0.8 Alpha
was released November 14th, 2023
Added | Minigame tile Royal Execution. |
Gold. Earned by the King every 15 seconds and when throne is captured. Value earned is equal to current viewers. | |
!stats command now displays Gold too.
Changed | Refactored game tile prefab variants (backend improvements). |
Fixed | Bug causing player Marbles to get stuck in raffle when trying to attack the king. |
Speech bubbles rendering behind player Marbles in certain situations. | |
Bug causing new sub to not grant 5k bid bonus. |
v0.7 Alpha
was released November 13th, 2023
Added | Bidding while your Marble is spawned automatically queues you for the next tile after elimination. |
!playlist command to get a link to the spotify playlist used in the game.
Bid Bonus for subs and gifted subs, multiplied by tier. | |
Changed | Moved player names above marbles on z-layer to not be obscured by each other. |
Stonks: Tile survival rate got buffed. | |
Fixed | Player moving and positioning in queue got refactored. |
Bug causing tickets to not always impact correct position. | |
Bug causing Arrows to flash for one frame after reuse. | |
Text is now sanitized to prevent players from changing color and size of the text in speech bubbles. |
v0.6 Alpha
was released November 11th, 2023
Added | Minigame tile Stonks. |
Changed | Hole in One: Gaps at the edges got closed and now eliminate the player while transferring 100 points to the King. |
No Changelog available |
No Changelog available |
No Changelog available |
v0.1 Alpha
was released November 2nd, 2023
Added | Minigame tile Danger Zone. |
Minigame tile How Low Can You Go. | |
Minigame tile Quip Battle. | |
Minigame tile Hole in One. |